Friday, January 28, 2011

False Teachers Abound

DSC_4191Image by mr_crash_davis via FlickrI watched a video tonight from a 'spiritual teacher' called
Little Grandmother

Now I find it interesting that while many people agree that we are firmly in the end times, the popular rage today is to claim that we are God.

Why on earth would we choose to ignore what is written in the Bible?

I personally think that its because what is to come is so unfathomable. We cannot believe that a God of all love and understanding would subject his children to such horrible things. Yet, it is written, and it is here.

We cannot avoid it. Our only hope is to face the truth and get our butts back to God and Jesus Christ.

I know I am not good enough to be one of the fortunate few who will be swept off the earth before the really horrible stuff starts. I hope I'm strong enough to do what the Bible says we have to do...
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Christians - Are You Ready to Face Your Death?

"They want a poor population that has to go to the government for handouts."
Alex Jones

Doesn't that pretty well sum up everything?

Why else would it be allowed for people to be poisoned by the foods they eat? The packaged food and fast food industries are responsible for obesity, the rise in heart disease, cancers, type II diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, and many more diseases that diable and kill people. If you live, you will be unable to work and totally reliant on the government. And people just eat it up. The government will take care of me!

My own sister spent the last year letting her body go to crap so she could get disability. She refused to do anything to help her condition because it might affect her disability. All she could see is that she could get paid to be sick. The struggle of trying to make it was just too much. There's comfort in being taken care of.

We've been beaten to a pulp. Who will have the strength to stand up against what is to come?

Are you ready to face your death? It's time to ask that question if you really are a Christian. We basically have to choices, take the mark, or be tortured and killed. I know the choice I'm supposed to make, but will I have the strength? I just don't know. Heck, I can't even stop smoking.

On the other hand, death would be a great relief.

There were a few of us who saw through the deception from the beginning. I couldn't understand how others couldn't see it. My 17 year old daughter pointed out that the Bible says that only the chosen ones would have eyes to see.

And those of us who try to speak the truth will be considered crazy, ridiculed, tortured, and put to death.

Not exactly what I would expect from a 'loving father'. But that's what's coming.

So, back to Alex Jones.

Alex Jones is a U.S. radio host and film director has made a documentary exposing new claims about Barack Obama.

The film 'The Obama Deception' claims America has become a puppet in the hands of private bankers working towards a new world order.

Several months after Obama stepped in as President of the United States, you make a documentary calling him a deceiver. Why? You can see the interview here >>>

And if you're interested in the food deception - Visit High Energy Eating

May this post find it's way to the people it needs to.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

The stuff no one wants to talk about

Are you scared?

Do you believe that the world will never recover from it's current problems?

Worse yet, do you believe that we are solidly in the last days?

Have you found yourself picking up your Bible and reading Revelations?

We have. And it doesn't offer much comfort, let me tell you. And try looking for rational discussions on the topic and you will find all kinds of weird stuff.

The Bible doesn't give much instruction on what to do in the end times. The only thing that is stated very clearly is not to take the mark. And I guess if you've lived your life according to God's law, you could be one of the chosen ones to just disappear before the really bad stuff starts - so you wouldn't need much instruction on what to do when the shit really starts to hit the fan.

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I have fallen way too short to be on that short list. I mean, 40,000 people - worldwide?

Let's face it, living by God's law is very difficult. Often just basic survival causes us to at least bend the rules. And social survival? HA!

It's easier for me at age 53. I can accept that I can never have sex again. I can accept that I can never get married again. But there are some things that I do have trouble accepting. I'll be going into those in future posts.

Imagine how hard it is for my 17 year old daughter. We're supposed to accept the fact that we don't fit in here, and hope that our merciful God will get us out of here. Could you accept the fact that you don't fit in at age 17? It's a real struggle for her. She's done an incredible job of standing up to the pressures. Sure, she's tripped up some - we all have. No one is perfect.

All we can do is try our best to live by God's law. Jesus says it's easy. I disagree. He also said that God will take care of your needs. I guess that means a roof over your head and some food. No. Many people won't even get that much. So what exactly does that mean?

Confusion. Maybe together we can sort it out.